The IRIS service (Identification and Referral to Improve Safety) is a nationally recognised program that bridges the gap between healthcare professionals and specialist domestic abuse services. It trains healthcare staff to identify signs of abuse, ask the right questions, and refer patients to relevant support. Since its introduction, IRIS has transformed the response to domestic abuse within general practices, significantly increasing referrals and providing lifesaving intervention to those affected. Its closure in Gwent is expected to have a profound impact on the region’s ability to protect victims of domestic abuse at a time when support is most needed.

Llamau is deeply disappointed and concerned by the planned closure of the IRIS (Identification and Referral to Improve Safety) service in Gwent at the end of September 2024. This program has been a critical lifeline, supporting over 1,000 women through early intervention in cases of domestic abuse, and its loss leaves a significant gap in the region, especially as domestic violence, stalking, and sexual offences continue to rise. The absence of IRIS means many victims may remain invisible to specialist services, increasing the risk of ongoing abuse, trauma, and homelessness for women and children.

A 72-year-old patient, who had been in an abusive relationship her entire adult life, shared how the IRIS service transformed her life: “Meeting with my IRIS worker was like someone shining a light on me... I don’t know how much longer I will have in this world, but I know that my life will forever be richer. Waking up and feeling free is something that I haven’t experienced in 50 years, but for the past few weeks that is exactly what I have had, freedom. That is worth more than anything else in the world.”

Since 2021, the IRIS service in Gwent has had a profound impact:

  • Over 1,000 women have been identified, referred, and received specialist support for domestic violence and abuse.
  • Patient outcomes were overwhelmingly positive, 97% feeling safer,
  • 96% feeling better able to cope, and 97% feeling more optimistic about the future.
  • 97% rated the training as excellent and would recommend it to colleagues.
  • 90% felt more knowledgeable about DA and sexual violence.

Despite this setback, Llamau remains fully committed to supporting women who have experienced domestic abuse. Our specialist services will continue to provide life-changing support to women and families across the region. We will also continue collaborating with local authorities, key organisations, and the Welsh Government to advocate for crucial services like IRIS, ensuring that no one is left without the protection and care they need to live free from abuse.